February 28, 2005

I'm In With The In Crowd

It's heartening to know that Petitedov, The New Vintage, and I had almost the same opinion of the Oscars.

One thing I did want to mention (although Petitedov beat me to it) was Salma's description of Che Guevara as a "youthful idealist." Now, granted, we should judge the film on its content and not the later life of its main character. I just hope the Academy is as enthusiatic about my new film project--just in time for next year's Oscars. It's going to be a buddy pic about a young house painter named Hitler and a seminary student named Stalin.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    It's going to be a buddy pic about a young house painter named Hitler and a seminary student named Stalin.Let me guess the ending- they make a pact?
