December 08, 2004

It's True

I tried to downplay it, but since Ken let the cat out of the bag (really, someone ought to take that bag away from him), I'll acknowledge it--I'm another year older. Unfortunately, I have to teach all day long. But at least I'll get to spend this special day doing what I love...looking at young co-eds. (What? You thought I was gonna say teaching? C'mon, you should all know me by now.)


  1. That is such dirty old man comment...Happy Birthday!

  2. Thank you, Darlin'. I can only surmise that my other readers/friends/both were so moved to tears that they found themselves unable to type.

  3. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Sorry I'm a day late...hope you had a good birthday!!


  4. Hey hey hey! Happy birthday! Hope you have yourself (or had yourself) a good one, or at least take the chance to simply have yourself.

    By the way, once I get the stupid Mailmen outta my way, me, Donovan, TO, Sean, and Julius will be looking for you. You can only hide in Division II for so long buddy! Yeah that's right, I'm tainting your birthday wish with fantasy football smack-talk, just like a Hangover should!

  5. Bring it on, brother! Ain't no point and a half gonna save you this time! But I do hope it ends up being you and I in the Super Bowl! If we win this next week, we can both enjoy a bye week, no?

  6. Yeah, according to the experts I have a tough game against the Mailmen. Apparently everyone thinks that Favre and the Pack will rebound and destroy Detroit (a good possibility). And McNabb has to face the Washington defense. So it'll be tough, but again, I think my super-human running back corp will set things right and crush the Mailmen. Then it's a week off and watching others struggle, a favorite past-time of mine.
